Andrew Wommack Devotional April 14 2020 – King Of Hearts

Andrew Wommack Devotional April 14 2020

Theme For Andrew Wommack Devotional April 14 2020 – King Of Hearts

Mark 4:30, ‘And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it?’

MARK 4:30-34

The word ‘kingdom’ means ‘the realm over which a king rules.’ When applied to God, it could refer to all creation, since ‘his kingdom ruleth over all’ (Ps. 103:19), but the kingdom more often applies to His rule in and through those who are submitted to Him. ‘The Kingdom of God’ more specifically refers to Christ living and ruling in our hearts. So praying ‘thy kingdom come’ is praying for the expansion and influence of God’s rule in the hearts of men everywhere and, ultimately, the establishment of His physical Kingdom here on earth at His second coming (Rev. 11:15; 20:4).

Throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry, the Jews kept looking for Jesus to establish a physical kingdom here on the earth and deliver them from the oppression of the Romans. Although, during the Millenium, the Kingdom of God will physically rule over the nations of the earth, Jesus’ Kingdom is spiritually established by His Word and not by carnal weapons (2 Cor. 10:3-5). Jesus said, ‘The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation . . .behold, the kingdom of God is within you.’ (Lk. 17:20-21) Paul says we are already in the Kingdom of God (Col. 1:13). The Kingdom of God is therefore Christ’s ‘invisible Church,’ His body. The Kingdom began during His earthly ministry and is still ruling the hearts of men today.

The new birth ushers us into the Kingdom of God which is infinitely greater in wonder and benefits than our finite minds can comprehend. To the degree that we do begin to understand how God’s Kingdom works and apply our lives to it, we can experience heaven here on earth. Pray for a release into the physical of what is already present in your spiritual being.

Credit For Andrew Wommack Devotional April 14 2020 – Andrew Wommack Ministries /

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1 thought on “Andrew Wommack Devotional April 14 2020 – King Of Hearts”

  1. All you wrotte and will writing bear s reala nd deep knowledge og God that is increasing more and more. The wisdom of God is uncomparable with any other kinds pof wisdoms. Unfortunately, i haven’ anay oportunity to read all what you write. Could beloved brother send to me of your books


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