Archbishop Duncan-Williams Sermons – The Essence Of Life And Blessing

Archbishop Duncan-Williams Sermons The Essence Of Life And Blessing

Today’s message by Archbishop Duncan-Williams of the Action Chapel International Ministry is  titled  “The Essence Of Life And Blessing”. The text for the message is from proverbs 3:9 which says – Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops;.

The essence of life and blessing is to bring about transformations and honor God. If the resources God has given you does not advance towards God and people then you are a disappointment.

Generational wealth is one thing that in Africa, end with the generation. In Europe it is different because you see that they did things for God and their legacy remain till date.

It is not about what you have but about who you have in your life. A day will come when achievements and things you have acquired cannot save you. It will take someone to inconvenience themselves to reach out to you. That person is the person you have invested in. If your substance, skill, wealth, exposure etc does not honor God then you are despising him.

Until we learn to honor God with what we have, you will remain a disappointment. This is because it means that you value material things over God. Some people feel so important that they treat other human beings as if they are not human. Do not count your importance based on what you have achieved or the things you have because all are nothing but sinking sand.

It is time that we start to honour God by or deeds and actions and not just by our words.

Watch one of the sermons by Archbishop Duncan-Williams for the year titled “The Essence Of Life And Blessing” as we bring the latest sermons from pastors around the world to you daily.

Credit: Archbishop Duncan Wiliams YouTube/

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