Are you ready to inherit the earth?
Are you ready to inherit the earth? It sounds ungodly to Christians when someone says that they want to inherit the earth.
We all know that the earth is not our permanent home, and constantly desiring worldly things can lead us to hell.
The Bible made us aware that God promised us that we were going to inherit the earth if we were meek.
Matthew 5:5-13 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.“ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Being a godly child doesn’t mean that we are meant to live in shadows for the rest of our lives. Men who served the Lord in the past were successful, like Abraham, David, Joseph, Jacob, and Solomon.
Being successful doesn’t mean that true children of God will forget their father. People don’t forget God because they are rich, so let’s stop being scared of becoming big.
Anyone who got rich and forgot God is not a true child of God. Being successful through the will of God is the best decision we can make for ourselves.
Serve the Lord in truth and in spirit.
We can’t inherit the earth if we are not serving the Lord faithfully, because the world will corrupt us. When we are true children of God, the bad influence of the world can hold us back.
To inherit the earth means that we are going to be known and successful. God does bless us based on our spiritual level and our relationship with him.
Someone who doesn’t serve God faithfully can’t handle the trials and temptations that come with inheriting the earth.
- How are your behaviors?
- Do you tell people about Jesus Christ?
- Is reading your Bible part of you?
- Praying to God should not be optional.
- How do you treat the people around you?
Everyone wants to inherit the earth, but no one knows the requirements needed to obtain it. The Lord wants the best for us if only we obey him with all our hearts.
The thought he has for us is good, so let us have faith in the Lord. God does protect us from inheriting the earth because he knows that the agents of the devil roam the earth.
If our faith in God is not strong, the devil will deceive us greatly and lead us to hell. Let us do our best every day to build a stronger relationship with God.
Have the right character.
Notice that God says that it is “the meek” that will inherit the earth. The Bible has told us that he resists the proud, so let us check ourselves.
Having a proud attitude will not lead us to a path of success because no one wants to work with someone like that.
Being humble can be hard for so many of us, and that’s not good. It doesn’t matter what positions we find ourselves in in the in the future; let us behave right.
Most people lose themselves the moment they become successful in life. Behaving badly is not reflecting God’s goodness in any way, and he’s not going to be happy with us.
Having the right attitude is so important because that can attract people to us. If people love to be around us, that will give us the opportunity to teach them about Jesus Christ.
Note: Remember that inheriting the earth is not all about being famous and rich. Our duty is to spread the gospel of Christ to all people with the right attitude.
What God considers as success is winning souls for him and that can be done when we are meek. Being approachable as a Christian is really important.