Be careful who you select as friends.
Be Careful Who You Select as Friends: Everyone wants to have a group of people around them that they call friends.
Friends have done good and bad things to people, so having the desire to make friends is not bad. When selecting or making friends, we must be careful.
As children of God, we can be kind to everyone, but they are not meant to be our friends. Bad friends can limit your potential if you are not aware of who you are in Christ.
You can’t be ambitious in life and make friends with lazy people because that will limit you. Good friends can help you learn new things about yourself and also help you develop.
Meeting people with pure intention is really hard in our world today because of the normality of sin. People are not ashamed to be called bad or fake friends; they see it as flex.
Our destination in life is different from that of everyone else in the world because we are children of God. The best decision we can make is to become friends with people in the same Christian community as us.
Remember that God didn’t tell us to hate or judge those who are not Christians, but they are not meant to be close to us.
We become influenced by the people we surround ourselves with in life. The Bible told us that “bad company corrupts good manners, so God cares about who we associate with.
Be the smart one.
The truth is that there are people who will pretend to be Christians, but they are bad company. They enjoy all the sins the world has to offer, but they claim to love God.
When we become friends with someone or people, let us be observant and monitor their behavior. If the behavior of our friends is not acceptable, let us cut them off quietly.
Christians that smokes, drugs, watches bad clips, gossips and enjoy lying are not true lovers of Christ. Our goal is to make friends with people that will help us to grow.
Everyone has some element of bad in them because of the sin of Adam and Eve. Our heavenly father wishes the best for us because it is not his desire that any of us should perish.
When you notice that your friends are influencing you bad just know is time to run. The enemy has agents that pretend to serve the Lord so that he will destroy great destinies.
Every single one of us is created by God with a unique plan and gifts. Wrong people will dim the light that the Lord has placed in you to shine on the world.
People will try to tell you things that are wrong with you in order to remind you that you can’t be great. Remember that God told us in the Bible that we are the salt of the world, so don’t lose your taste.
If people or friends end up making you lose your taste, the world will step on you. We are the light and also the salt of the world.
Let us do our best to be smart enough to identify bad friends on time and to know our value.