Bishop Jackie McCullough Sermons – I Will Remember

Bishop Jackie McCullough Sermons I Will Remember

The International Gathering at Beth Rapha shares this new sermon by Bishop Jackie McCullough titled “I Will Remember. The text for the message is taken from the book of Psalm 20;9 and 2 Samuel 10:6.  In this sermon, Bishop Jackie points out that in the world of Chaos and confusion, the believer has something special that can keep us alive,  and that is the ability to remember/reflect.  The above Psalm is composed to help us in the middle of muddle thoughts.

In this episode of Christ in Crisis, Bishop Jackie tells us that In times when it’s so easy to forget the goodness of the Lord! Easy to give up and give in! So easy to forget His greatness and power when we are walking through adversity. But do not forget! For it is when you remember that you are strengthened to persevere and overcome! His goodness and blessings are on reserve when we remember His power!

This sermon is full of insights and it is something that will uplift your heart today.

Watch and learn from one of the sermons by Bishop Jackie McCullough titled “ I Will Remember” as we bring the latest sermons from pastors around the world to you daily.

Credit: Bishop Jackie McCullough Youtube/


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