Bishop T.D Jakes Sermon: Faithful Wounds

Bishop T.D Jakes shares this sermon titled “Faithful Wounds” where he asked if you have you ever wondered why God takes you through trials? He said it’s all in service to rebuild you. Your relationships are often hard to form and if you didn’t have them modeled in front of you, they would be nearly impossible to maintain. The Bishop of the Potter’s House said God rectifies this through “wounds” that reinvent how you relate to people and, ultimately, Him. T.D Jakes said that it may sting now, but know that it will help you later as God is training you to trust Him.

This message is taken from Proverbs 27:6 KJV and it says ‘faithful are the wombs of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful’

He began to make distinction between trusting God and praising God. Praising God is something that you do while trusting God is a position that you take.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Bishop T.D Jakes “Faithful Wounds” as we bring the latest messages from pastors around the globe to you.

Credit: Bishop T.D Jakes YouTube

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