Bishop T.D. Jakes: The Point of a Pivot!

Bishop T.D. Jakes shares this sermon titled “Torn Between the Two”. The text for the message is from 1 Samuel 18:1–7. “After David finished talking to Saul, Jonathan became in one spirit with David, and he loved him like himself. From that day on, Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family. And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself.”

Bishop Jakes taught us in this sermon about the point of a pivot. There are moments in our lives that seem ordinary to other people, but we know that is the moment that will change our lives. Sometimes we can’t explain it, but we know that is the moment of change. It can be speaking engagement, opportunity, business deal, relationship, or contact, and you know that is more important than it looks like. Something in your spirit, especially if you’re a worshiper, because worshipers tend to be intuitive and instinctive. You can sense something in your spirit that you can’t even explain in your head. You can be raised in an environment where you are not highly thought of, which changes the trajectory of your life, but it can also be the catalyst that makes you succeed because you have something to prove.

There are tests that will bring us to the moment of our success, just like David had tests that brought him to the moment of his victory. Every one of those tests was the step of a good man ordered by the Lord to bring him down to Goliath. Goliath was the usher who opened the door to the palace for David. We can’t get to our kingdom till we find our Goliath (giant) that will bring out the best in us. Goliath exposed him and brought attention to how great David was. We don’t have to run away from tests and challenges in our lives because that will bring out the best in us.


Watch and learn from this sermon by Bishop T.D. Jakes “The Point of a Pivot!” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors in the United States of America to you.

Video Credit: Bishop T.D Jakes YouTube

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