Bishop TD Jakes Sermon – Accountability

Bishop TD Jakes has delivered this new sermon “Accountability” and it is not a sermon or message you will want to miss. The father of Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts and Pastor Cora Jakes Coleman who is also the Bishop of The Potters House of Dallas is known for his teachings which has changed many people positively both the old and young.

Commenting on this sermon, Bishop TD Jakes wrote on Instagram recently:

“The enemy didn’t want this one to get out! But it is playing on Our YouTube channel now!!

Repost from @joeltudman using @RepostRegramApp – Do yourself a favor and go listen to this bible study!!! @bishopjakes taught on accountability 🔥🔥🔥

1. Where are you?
2. Why are you angry?
3. Why has your countenance fallen?
4. Why don’t you fix this?
5. Where is your brother?

He broke these five questions down from the fall of man to Cain and Abel.

Unchecked anger leads to murder. What and Who have we murdered because we won’t fix it?”

Watch and learn from this sermon and message by Bishop TD Jakes – Accountability – as we bring the latest sermons from pastors to you daily.

Credit – TD Jakes YouTube /

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