Can You Give Up Your Dreams For Christ?
Can You Give Up Your Dreams For Christ? Everyone on earth has dreams and passion for their lives and is good. Having a great idea of how you want your future to be is also great.
Nobody on this earth has the same dream life. It might look or sound similar, but it can never be the same. The Lord created us all to have different mindsets for a reason.
When we are different, that is what brings out our uniqueness. No matter what you want for your future, make sure it is aligned with the will of God.
For those of us who have big dreams, it is important for us to know that big responsibility is required. Dreaming and wishing without doing anything will result in nothing.
Life is not planning on getting easier, so it is up to us to get stronger in order to get ahead. It doesn’t matter if your dream life sounds impossible; with determination, you can have it.
There will be challenges along the way, so prepare yourself mentally, spiritually, and physically. We have to know that God has given us the Holy Spirit so that he can guide us.
When Jesus Christ was leaving the earth, he knew that we needed a comforter and a friend, so he gave us his spirit. The spirit of God lives inside of us, so we shouldn’t be afraid of anything.
Is Your Dream Lifestyle Better Than God’s Plan?
It is so important for us to know that God is fine with us having our dreams and working hard to achieve them.
Remember that our dreams and goals must be godly, and the process must be the same. There are people that God is going to ask to change their dreams because he wants to protect them or use them for his kingdom.
If your dream is to be a celebrity or a successful businessman or woman, can you give up your dream to follow Jesus?
It doesn’t matter how beautiful or great we want our future to be; it can never be perfect. If God instructs you to change your goals, please do that because he knows it.
It can be hard for us to give up on our dreams, but God’s dream is better. The thought he has for us is good and not evil, to give us a beautiful future.
If God calls you to be a preacher or author, obey that calling because disobedience leads to destruction. If you hear God’s voice or have the feeling that the Lord wants you to change, just obey it.
Insisting on chasing your own personal dream while God has spoken to you to change will lead to regrets. There have been people who wanted to be singers or actors, but God told them to change.
Hearing God tell you to change your path to success can be heartbreaking. Sometimes the Lord has seen the trap that the devil has set for you so that he can destroy you.
How Can We Hear From God?
Our creator speaks to us all the time, but most of us are not paying attention. If you can’t hear from God, don’t beat yourself up; just read his words (the Bible).
If you are chasing a dream or a goal and you are facing challenges, just pay attention, because that can be God trying to give you his sign.
He also speaks to us in our dreams, so it is important to pay attention to what we dream about. The Lord can use people to pass his message to us.
Also, be regular; the devil can also try to pass his own message. Not every challenge that we face in life is from God; our enemy wants to stop us too.
Note: Get closer to God so that you can tell when he’s trying to speak to you. The Lord wants the best for us and he won’t stop you from chasing your dreams unless there is danger he’s trying you protect you from