Chad Veach Sermons – The Day That Changed Everything

Chad Veach Sermons The Day That Changed Everything

A beautiful message from Zoe LA by Pastor Chad Veach is titled “The Day That Changed Everything”. The sermon is taken from the book of Mark 16:1-7. This Easter message is all about Easter the day that changed everything for the whole world. Easter is the day Christ rose from the dead and brought us salvation.

Throughout history, there have been days that changed a thing or two in the world. Pastor Chad Veach gives us three tips on this message. There are days that mark us; one thing we should have in mind is that God is in the days. He lets us know that we should learn to confess positively to our day. Sometimes we may not have good moments, but we should not allow the negative to define us.

Watch and learn from one of the sermons by Pastor Chad Veach for the year titled “The Day That Changed Everything” as we bring the latest sermons from pastors around the world to you daily.

Credit: Chad Veach Youtube/

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