Dave Meyer’s Email Address and Contact Details

Dave Meyer Email Address

You can always get Dave Meyer’s Email Address through Joyce Meyer’s Ministries contact platform because getting to know Dave Meyer and his kind of personality will shock you as he is not really the media type. Dave who is a Veteran of the United States’ Military remains an active member of Joyce Meyer’s Ministries as the Vice president of the Ministry.

The Husband to Joyce Meyer has remained in full-time ministry for almost thirty years and his wisdom and stewardship in finance and administration have helped build Joyce Meyer Ministries into what it is today. He remains an honorable man who feels for the poor and needy and who continues to do anything in his power to see that suffering that comes with poverty is curbed around the globe.

His experience in the U.S Military contributed in molding him into what he is today as he continues to work extensively with the Hand of Hope channel of Joyce Meyer’s ministries. Getting Dave Meyer email address can be done by mailing or contacting Joyce Meyer’s ministry and they will guide you from there.

Dave Meyer and The Hand Of Hope 

Joyce writing about Hand of hope on Instagram once wrote:

“Through Hand of Hope medical/dental outreaches, you are changing lives around the world. In many countries, children and families don’t have access to medical care, but through these outreaches, they’re able to receive free medical and dental help!

Each time you are reminded of how you were wounded, think about how much God loves you. You’re not damaged because someone or something hurt you…you are not inferior. You are a loved, redeemed, restored child of God.

Thank you for helping change lives in Zambia through Hand of Hope’s Water Relief projects. Through these clean water initiatives, you have provided 114 freshwater wells and five Wells of Life, which include a church.”

Never let anyone deceive you by telling you he has the real Dave Meyer email address or contact details.

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