David Jeremiah Devotional 5th December 2019 – THE SKILL OF LIVING

David Jeremiah Devotional 5th December 2019

Theme For David Jeremiah Devotional 5th December 2019 – THE SKILL OF LIVING

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10

What image does the word skillful call to mind? It could suggest a talented musician, a gifted teacher, a patient craftsman, a championship athlete, or a savvy financial expert. A skilled person is one who knows how to navigate through a challenging task and produce a rare result: success! To expand the idea of skillful, consider these synonyms: expert, accomplished, masterly, talented, adept, competent, and capable.

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for “wisdom” (hokmah) is the same word translated as “skill” in many contexts—craftsmen, shrewdness, animals that prepare homes and gather food, a ship’s captain, and a maker of idols. Therefore, a wise person is one who is skilled in living life according to God’s principles. A wise person is one who navigates his or her way through life in a manner that pleases God and helps others. And such skill (wisdom) is found only in God Himself.

Do you have challenging situations in your life for which wisdom is needed? Ask God—He has promised to provide (James 1:5). True wisdom is the skill of living successfully from God’s point of view.

Credit For David Jeremiah Devotional 5th December 2019 – David Jeremiah

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