David Jeremiah Devotional December 4 2020 – What an Adventure!

Theme For David Jeremiah Devotional December 4 2020 – What an Adventure!

And having come in, the angel [Gabriel] said to [Mary], “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!”
Luke 1:28

Life in some families is a continual adventure. On the way to school on a normal morning, Mom may turn at the last minute and head for a local farm and petting zoo for a one-day field trip. Or Dad comes home early from work on a Friday and piles everyone into the car and heads for a weekend in a mountain cabin. Adventures are all the more exciting when they are completely unexpected.

God is a God of adventure as well. A lowly farmer named Gideon was thrust into the role of military commander (Judges 6–7). Saul of Tarsus was called by Jesus to become the apostle to the Gentiles (Acts 9:1-19). And there was a young teenager named Mary whose life was completely turned around by God. When the angel Gabriel announced that she would become the earthly mother of the Son of God…talk about an adventure! She started down a path she couldn’t have imagined.

It doesn’t matter where Jesus leads us, following Him will always be an adventure. Whenever He says, “Follow Me,” do what Mary did: Just say, “Let it be” (Luke 1:38)—say “Yes.”

Credit For David Jeremiah Devotional December 4 2020 – David Jeremiah Ministries / davidjeremiah.org

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