Dear Christian, Satan is Censoring Your Identity!

Sid Roth and Dale Mast share this message titled “Dear Christian, Satan is Censoring Your Identity” where Dale Mast says it’s time to become the you that God created you to be. He said that David’s journey is a pattern for your journey. We are reminded that God took David from the fields where he followed the sheep to become the ruler of Israel. He was overlooked by his father, yet chosen by God. He carried a dream from the day Samuel anointed him, but felt unworthy to marry the king’s daughter.

Dale Mast says as God was establishing David’s identity, the enemy was trying to steal it. He said that taking down Goliath had required faith but taking the throne required identity. According to Dale, the difference is faith believes what God can do while identity believes what God can do through you.

Watch and learn from this message by Sid Roth and Dale Mast “Dear Christian, Satan is Censoring Your Identity!” as we bring the latest messages from pastors around the globe to you.

Credit: Sid Roth It’s Supernatural YouTube /

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