Do We Know What Happens Next?

Do We Know What Happens Next

Do We Know What Happens Next?

Do We Know What Happens Next? Through out centuries, people have tried their best to predict the future. There are those to whom God has given the power of prophecy and seeing visions, but only if God permits.

Without instructions from God, no one can give out prophecy and visions. Prophets have to wait on God to show them what is going to happen next because, without God, they are nothing.

There have been a lot of cultures that have people that predict the future known as seekers. Everyone on earth has gifts and talents given to them by God.

No matter what gift we have been given, it must be used for the glory of God. In the old days, everyone had to wait until God had spoken to the prophets in order for them to know what happened next.

Moreover, those practices made people not have close relationships with God. Jesus Christ came on earth to die for us to bring us closer to God.

God cares so much about us that he sent his only son to die for us. For years, God has designed ways to speak to his children by kings, prophets, and judges, and they were not perfect.

Ways That God Spoke To Us Before Coming Of Jesus Christ

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Throughout history, many ways have been seen as methods God used to communicate with humanity before the coming of Jesus Christ. Here are a few key examples:

  1. Prophets: God sent prophets like Moses, Isaiah, and Jeremiah to convey His messages. While they delivered important teachings, the messages were often met with resistance or misunderstanding.
  2. The Law: The giving of the Law at Sinai provided guidelines for living, but many struggled to fully adhere to these commandments, highlighting humanity’s inability to achieve righteousness on their own.
  3. Sacrificial System: The system of sacrifices was intended to provide atonement for sin. However, it was a temporary solution that pointed to a deeper need for reconciliation with God.
  4. Nature and Creation: God’s creation reflects His attributes, but people often misinterpreted or idolized the creation instead of recognizing the Creator.
  5. Wisdom Literature: Texts like Proverbs and Ecclesiastes offered guidance and insight into living wisely, yet many failed to live by these principles fully.
  6. Covenants: God established covenants with figures like Noah, Abraham, and David, promising blessings. However, human unfaithfulness often strained these relationships.

In sending Jesus, God offered a complete and personal revelation of Himself, showing His love and the way to true relationship and redemption, fulfilling the longings that previous methods could not fully satisfy.

How Do We Know What To Do Next Now?

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After the death of Jesus Christ, he rose from death, giving us victory. The gift of the Holy Spirit has been given to us by Jesus Christ to guide us through life.

We don’t have to wait on prophets, judges, or kings in order for us to make the right decisions. It is up to us to develop personal relationships with God in order to hear from him.

He speaks to us all the time because he loves us and wants the best for us. Many of us are stubborn, and we don’t listen to the voice of God but blame him when we land in trouble.

For our father, who is in heaven, will never leave us or forsake us in times of trouble. If we listen to God and obey his commandments, life may be hard, but he will deliver us.

The thought he has for us is of good and not evil to give us a beautiful future. Many of us are not confident in ourselves that God will answer us when we pray because we are not close to him.

Depending on pastors and prophets to save us is lying to ourselves because it will not work. Jesus Christ didn’t die for us to come to him through pastors, prophets, and other people.

The Lord wants us to come to him freely and to interact with him one on one. We may not know the future, but we are serving the Lord, who holds the time and seasons in his hands.




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