Do You Want To Go Far? Do It Alone

Do You Want To Go Far Do It Alone

Do You Want To Go Far? Do It Alone

Do You Want To Go Far? Do It Alone: Many of us are not at our desired level because we are afraid of doing it alone.

Whatever you dream to be is up to you to take the actions to achieve it. Waiting on your friends, family members, and coworkers will only limit you.

What vision do you have for yourself? Are you ready to take the actions needed? It doesn’t matter if people around you see you as delusional; keep going.

As children of God, most of our dreams, visions, inspirationals, and ideas are given to us by God. Let us stop being afraid of doing things that will help us grow alone.

  • Do you want to have a closer relationship with God? Go for it.
  • Is your dream to lose weight or get healthy? Do your research and do it the healthy way.
  • If you have a business idea in your head, make plans to bring it to life.
  • Are you passionate about singing, acting, writing, and reading? Make use of it. 
  • Is there a bad family pattern you want to break? Do it alone.

Waiting for someone to motivate us and push us will only limit us, so let’s take control.

Take Control of Yourself

Do You Want To Go Far Do It Alone pt2

Sitting around and waiting for someone else to motivate is really bad for us. This life is given to us by God, so let us use it wisely.

If everyone is mocking you because you dream big, consider if it is best for you to keep your dreams to yourself.

Joseph’s brother sold him into slavery because they were jealous of him because of all the dreams he told them.

Is it time for us to take control and also take the actions in order to be who the Lord has destined us to be? It is so sad that many of us have believed the false idea that Christians are not meant for the greatest.

It doesn’t matter if you came from a rich background or not; don’t limit yourself. Every action that we take in life should reflect God’s glory because he’s our master.

  • Pray to God for directions and guidance.
  • Make a plan to achieve your goals.
  • Take the actions that you have planned out.
  • Put God first in whatever you are doing.
  • Don’t give up. It won’t be easy to achieve your dreams, so be strong.
  • Recheck your list and be ready to make adjustments.

We all have heard about the story of Joseph, but no one really knows how hard it was for him. He stayed focused and believed in his God even when he was in prison.

Giving Up On God Is Not An Option 

If you want to go far in life, make sure that you are close to God. Other people in the world are willing to do crazy things in order to reach their goals, but we are different.

God is watching us always, and he has promised us that he will never leave or forsake us. Since the Lord has promised to be with us forever, why are we still scared?

When things don’t work out as we hoped, let us call on our father (God). Complaining will not change anything in our lives, so let us run to God.

Be grateful for all the things in our lives. Both the big and small things can open doors for us. Having the right attitude while walking towards our dreams with God is important.

Bad attitudes towards God, like complaining and behaving badly, have cost some people heavily. The people of Israel complained against God, and that made them spend 40 years in the wilderness.

Reminder: Let us be comfortable with doing things alone that will change our lives. Remember that with God, all things are possible for those who believe in him.



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