Dr David Jeremiah Church – David Jeremiah Daily Devotional for Today 

Dr David Jeremiah Church – David Jeremiah Daily Devotional for Today

Dr David Jeremiah Church 

Dr  David Jeremiah Church – Theme – BLESSINGS FOR ALL

But Jesus said to her, “Let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.”
Mark 7:27

  1. David Jeremiah Church teaches that in the United States, more households are owners of dogs than cats. The love shown to dogs in America is in stark contrast to the disdain heaped on them in biblical days. Packs of wild dogs roamed as scavengers and nuisances; dogbecame a derogatory epithet among Jews for non-Jews or other undesirables.

In a statement that at first seems harsh, Jesus even used the word dog to refer to Gentiles. But He used a term for a “little dog,” or “lap dog” (like a pet), not the term for the wild scavengers commonly referred to. What brought on this exchange? A Gentile woman pleaded with Jesus to heal her daughter and He said such a blessing must first be given to “the children,” referring to the Jews. “First” was key. He didn’t deny her the blessing but tested her faith. When she countered that house dogs are allowed to consume the children’s crumbs, Jesus granted her daughter’s healing because of her faith.

God’s blessing was always intended for both the Jew and Gentile (Genesis 12:3; Isaiah 42:6)—for any and all who believe.

Faith is the power of putting self aside that God may work unhindered.

F. B. Meyer

David Jeremiah is the founder of the Turning Point Radio and Television Ministries. The Senior Pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church has written many books and delivered many sermons. He has written many devotionals covering and giving hope to mankind in the daily struggles of life.

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1 thought on “Dr David Jeremiah Church – David Jeremiah Daily Devotional for Today ”

  1. I am Pastor Dorothy. We translate Christian books. We would like to translate your books into Indian languages. We are i n this job for the past 30 years and have translated Bob Yondian and Rick Renner & many others. If we are given a chance to work with you we would do the job with accuracy and promptness. Thank you, Let us serve together to build His Kingdom. Dorothy and Sharad


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