Joel Osteen: Approval Addiction

Today, we bring you a message from Pastor Joel Osteen titled “Approval Addiction.” Pastor Joel tells us that too many people make decisions based on what other people will think about them. Instead of being confident in who God made them to be, they let the opinions of others determine what they do.

Many people don’t realize they’re addicted to approval. We all want approval and to be liked, but we can’t become dependent on what other people think about us. Not everyone will understand and celebrate you; there will be seasons when people are for you, giving you approval, but that’s not going to last forever.

Let people be in charge of who you are; your destiny is not predicted by other people’s opinions. Whether people like you or not does not stop God’s purpose for life. God did not form a committee or poll your friends to decide who they wanted you to be when he devised your plan. If you spend your life trying to please people and gain their approval, that’s going to wear you out. You have to break free from what people think about you. You don’t need anyone’s approval; you have God’s approval.

Don’t live to please people; live to please God. Promotions come from God, not from people. Always ask yourself how much time you spend trying to please people and get their approval. Stop trying to keep friends; by doing so, they will control everything you do. You can’t follow what God has put in your heart if you’re always trying to impress everyone.

What should worry you is what God thinks of you. We should spend more time pleasing God than trying to please people. Don’t be ruled by the opinions of others about your life; don’t be insecure and seek people to validate you. You don’t have to fit into someone’s mold; don’t miss your greatness because you’re dependent on people’s approval. Don’t let your dream die stillborn because you’re worried about what people will think.

Fearing  people is a dangerous trap,because if you fear people, you can miss your destiny. There are test we have to pass, Are we to please people or God?

Sometimes you have to go alone in life without anyone’s approval, other people may not see what God put in you. You and God are majority.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen: Approval Addiction” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit:Joel Osteen YouTube

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