Joel Osteen: Clear Vision

Today we present you with a message from Pastor Joel Osteen titled “Clear Vision.” Pastor Joel teaches us that many people are not reaching their goals and potential not because they are not talented, but because their vision is limited. Some don’t see themselves accomplishing their dreams, being blessed, or living a healthy life.

You will never rise any higher than the way you see yourself. Through your eyes of faith, you need to see yourself the way you want to be. You might be fighting an illness, but you need to see yourself as healthy. If you are struggling with your finances, you need to see yourself out of debt and living in abundance. You need to start being a blessing to others, and you might be struggling with addiction. Don’t let that negative image take root in your life.

Your inner vision is setting limits for your life; the picture you keep in front of you is what you are becoming in your imagination. Just like a magnet, you’re being pulled toward what you see. You may struggle with low self-esteem and feel inferior sometimes, but you have to change that image and get in agreement with how God sees you. God said that you are fearfully and wonderfully made; he calls you a masterpiece. Get your image in line with God’s image of you.

If you change your picture, you will change your life. You need to have the right inner vision and see yourself as strong, talented, and favored with a bright future before you can see yourself reaching the fullness of your destiny. Be careful how you see yourself, because if you are seeing the negative, that is what will come true in your life. Stop seeing life as unfair and attempting to make it so; that is the incorrect picture.

God said he has beauty for those ashes; he will pay you back double for the unfair things; get rid of the image of a defeated, lonely, and victimized you; start seeing yourself as a restored, blessed, happy, and improved you. You will start to move toward the image you have in your mind.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Joel Osteen: Clear Vision. Also, remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the United States of America to you.

Video Credit: Joel Osteen YouTube


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