Joel Osteen Devotional Today 15th October, 2018

Joel Osteen Daily Devotional Today 15th October, 2018

Joel Osteen Daily Devotional Today 15th October

Theme For Joel Osteen Daily Devotional Today 15th October – A Vital Necessity


“Now set your mind and heart to seek (inquire of and require as your vital necessity) the Lord your God…”
(1 Chronicles 22:19 AMP)


What things do you consider a vital necessity in your life? In other words, what can’t you live without? Most people would immediately think of food, water and shelter; but in reality, we can’t really live unless our minds and hearts are set on seeking the Lord. Sure, you can exist without seeking Him, but you are called to more than just mere existence. You are called to live…to thrive…to enjoy your life abundantly! The good news is that you have complete control over what you set your mind and heart on. You decide what you think about. I encourage you today; set your mind and heart on seeking the Lord! Write down your favorite Scriptures and commit them to memory. Whenever you can, think about those verses. Meditate on God and His infinite love. Make a habit of seeking Him and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. When you require the Lord as a vital necessity, you will truly enjoy living the abundant life He has in store for you!


Heavenly Father, today I choose to set my mind on You. I seek You with my whole heart. Show me Your love and character today. Show me Your ways that I may walk and live closely with You. I love You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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1 thought on “Joel Osteen Devotional Today 15th October, 2018”

  1. I like the scripture Psalms, Isaiah,Jeremiah,Matthew,Deutornomy,Exodus,Phil,John etc. I trust in God only Lord Jesus and pray before the throne of God proclaiming His promises with much burden and tears.Dueto my poor eyesight I can’t read the Bible since few months.When people are coming to me and asking the money I feel insecure and shame.They have been reproaching me about their money. I become desperate


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