Joel Osteen Devotional May 22 2021 – Get Rid of the Coat

Theme For Joel Osteen Devotional May 22 2021 – Get Rid of the Coat

Today’s Scripture

Mark 10:49–50,
So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” 50 Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.

Today’s Word

When the blind beggar Bartimaeus heard Jesus say come, the first thing he did was throw off his coat. This was significant because some commentators say that people who had a legitimate disability in those days were given an official coat from the government that gave them the legal right to beg. It qualified them to make their living but also marked their dependency. When Bartimaeus threw this coat aside, he was making the declaration, “This is a new day. I no longer need this coat for my dependency. Jesus has come, and I am going to be healed.” I wonder how many of us are still wearing a beggar’s coat of sorts? “I have a reason to be negative and bitter. I had a bad childhood. I came down with this illness. I lost a love one.” Before you’re going to get well, you have to stop being the victim, stop the excuses, and take off the coat. Change your mindset to that of a victor. Jesus is calling.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for Your call to come to You and leave the past behind. I let go of all my excuses and refuse to settle for less than Your best for me. I declare that I will have a victor’s mindset and become all You created me to be. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Credit For Joel Osteen Devotional May 22 2021 – Joel Osteen Ministries /
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