Joel Osteen Devotional November 29 2020 – Don’t Discount the “I Know”s

Theme For Joel Osteen Devotional November 29 2020 – Don’t Discount the “I Know”s

Today’s Scripture

Isaiah 1:19, ESV
“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.”

Today’s Word

We know God speaks to us about righteousness, faith, salvation, and doctrine. But He also talks to us about everyday things such as slowing down on the freeway, not eating so many sweets, forgiving our coworker, and what to watch and not to watch on television or the computer. Sometimes we let small things keep us from God’s best.

Pay attention to the practical things. You have that knowing on the inside–“I know I need to eat healthier, I know I need to forgive him, I know I need to encourage my friend, I know I need to be more disciplined in my spending.” Here’s a key: the “know’s are God talking to you. Don’t discount it, don’t push it down. The more you listen to and obey that still, small voice inside, the more God can trust you, the more of His favor He’ll release in your life. You will “eat the good of the land.”

Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for Your promise that You will lead me down the best path for my life. Thank You that I don’t have to figure out what “I know” You’re asking me to do. I believe that obedience in the small leads to Your favor in big ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Credit For Joel Osteen Devotional November 29 2020 – Joel Osteen Ministries /
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