Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional August 29 2022

Theme For Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional August 29 2022 – Be Steadfast

Joyce Meyer

Today’s verse speaks of being steadfast. To be steadfast is to be stable; a steadfast person is steady, calm, and even-tempered, no matter what happens. A steadfast believer can give the devil a nervous breakdown! When we mature spiritually to the point that we can maintain a level of steadfastness, then we do not react to every little harassing thing the enemy sends against us. Regardless of what he hurls our way, we will not be impressed, we will not be afraid, we will not be easily upset, we will not give up, and we will not be moved—if we are steadfast.

In order to be steadfast and immovable, we must know God and know Him intimately. We must be able to hear His voice when the storms of life are swirling around us. We must also know the overcoming power that belongs to us in the name of Jesus and through the blood of Jesus. We will remember that “this too shall pass” and keep our sights set on the victory that is sure, rather than allow ourselves to be tossed and turned by everything the devil assaults us with. As we do, God’s power is released in our lives. Whatever you might be facing today, let patience do the work that God desires in you.

Prayer Starter: Thank You, Father, for help me to be stable. I know that what I am facing today will pass and I ask for the patience work in me so that Your power is released in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Credit For Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional August 29 2022 – Joyce Meyer Ministries

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