Joyce Meyer Devotional 17 March 2020 – God Looks Inside

Joyce Meyer Devotional 17 March 2020

Theme For Joyce Meyer Devotional 17 March 2020 – God Looks Inside

Sometimes we’re more concerned with outward things than we should be, and not nearly concerned enough about our inner life. If we paraphrase today’s Scripture, it could say, “God may like your outfit, but He isn’t nearly as concerned about your outer appearance as He is with the inner condition of your heart.”

It’s critically important that we live our lives with godly character and the inner qualities that matter to God. Most people spend a lot of time getting dressed each morning and making sure they look just right, and that’s a good trait. But we should first and foremost spend time making sure we’re right in our thoughts and attitudes, because we can’t have good behavior unless we begin with a right heart attitude.

Take some time each morning to “set your mind” in the right direc­tion. Confess any sin you’ve committed, forgive anyone you’re offended with, and give all your cares and worries to God. With your mind set in the right direction, you’ll be an amazing example of peace to others throughout the day.

Prayer Starter: Father, help me develop such inner strength and peace that I can handle every situation in a way that represents You well to others. Thank You for giving me Your grace to keep a right attitude today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Credit For Joyce Meyer Devotional 17 March 2020 – Joyce Meyer Ministries /

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