Joyce Meyer Devotional 25th February, 2019

Joyce Meyer Devotional 25th February, 2019

Joyce Meyer Devotional 25th February

Theme for Joyce Meyer Devotional 25th February – See Possibilities

When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses felt very inadequate and kept telling God what he could not do and did not have.

God asked him what he had in his hand and Moses replied, “A rod.” It was an ordinary rod, used for herding sheep. God told him to throw it down, implying that Moses was to give it to Him. When God gave the rod back to Moses, it was filled with miracle-working power and was used by Moses to part the Red Sea as well as for other miracles.

If you will give God what you have, no matter how little and ineffective you may think it is, God will use it and give you back more than you gave Him.

In other words, it is not our abilities that God desires, but it is our availability He wants. He wants us to see possibilities, not problems. Don’t spend your life thinking “if only” you had something else, then you could do something worthwhile. “If only” is a thief of what could be.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I make myself available to You, just as I am. Please use me to do Your will, and help me to begin seeing possibilities everywhere I go. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Credit – Joyce Meyer

Picture Credit – Joyce Meyer Instagram

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