Joyce Meyer: Ephesians Part 1

Here is a message from Joyce Meyer, which is titled “Ephesians Part 1.”

In this teaching, Pastor Joyce teaches us that when we look at the book of Ephesians, Paul’s words are foundational for every believer because they help us understand who we are in Christ, how much he loves us, and how we can grow a stronger, more intimate relationship with God. God always has a long-range plan for his people. What’s going on in our lives right now is a far cry from what will be happening next year and more. No matter how good things are, they can get better, and no matter how bad they are, they can get better.

We have to know that God only has one thing in mind for your future, and that’s better. God said in the Bible, “I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, thoughts and plans for your welfare.” God has always had the best plan for his people. If we read Genesis, he had a great plan for Adam and Eve: he made a beautiful garden for them to enjoy. In the Bible, God says, “I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, thoughts and plans for your welfare.” God has always had the best plan for his people. If we read Genesis, he had a great plan for Adam and Eve: he made a beautiful garden for them to enjoy. Take all these resources and use them in the service of God. The devil is constantly trying to make us do little things that God doesn’t want us to do. The Devil tempts Eve through reasoning; we have to be careful about reasoning. You don’t necessarily need to try to reason this out so much; you just need to believe it and do it.

It is not a bad thing to try to understand things; we must understand that God can sometimes be very unreasonable. God’s ways of thinking are different from ours; it was fairly unreasonable when he went to Abraham and said, “Leave your family, your home, everything,” and he didn’t even tell him where, but he had a great plan for him. We must learn to be strong and have faith in him because he loves us and has a great plan for us always.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Joyce Meyer: Ephesians Part 1” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Joyce Meyer YouTube

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