Max Lucado Sermons – A Friend of the Friendless

Max Lucado Sermons A Friend of the Friendless

The Oak Hills Church shares this new sermon by Pastor Max Lucado titled “A Friend of the Friendless” which we are bringing to you to listen to and meditate on. The text for the message is taken from the book of John 4 where our lesson is from the meeting between Jesus and the Samaritan woman.

Jesus during his stay on earth hung out with the unpopular. He was a friend of the friendless. In the scripture, we read about how Jesus became friends with a Samaritan woman which was a taboo back then.

Jesus entered her life with the promise of endless water and quenched thirst. He did not look down on her nor judge her because of her past. The woman on the margin became the woman with the message through whom many were saved.

That is the same thing with us. Jesus came for sinners and we are to allow him do wonders in our life that will draw others to him.

This is a message that will change your life.

Watch and learn from one of the sermons by Pastor Max Lucado for the year titled “A Friend of the Friendless” as we bring the latest sermons from pastors around the world to you daily.

Credit: Max Lucado YouTube/

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