Money Comes When You Are Happy
Money Comes When You Are Happy: Our biggest mistake is that we think that money will make us happy.
Money do solve a lot of trouble that may arise in future.
Money is good but is bad when our hopes are all depended on it.
There are people in past that had all the money in the world but it couldn’t save them.
As children of God we all know that money is important but is not our hope.
Our hope is on God and he’ll give us everything that we want in life.
The word of God (bible) told us that let us seek the Kingdom of God first & everything will be given to us.
Jesus Christ came on earth and was born pooe because he wants to show us that money is not everything.
Lack of money didn’t stop him from being the son of God and it shouldn’t stop us either
Also he was born poor so that we can be rich in the world and heaven too.
To get rich or be is not able having money alone so let us be guarded.
Many Christian don’t really believe that someone that has God have everything.
Some people are rich but their health issue is sucking the whole money away from them.
Health is also wealth but we don’t value it that much.
Having a family that cares about us is also a wealth but we don’t know.
Happiness is internalÂ
We often think that external materials things will make us happy but that the biggest lie from hell.
Happy is something that happens on the inside then we see the results on the outside.
Everything materials will pass away but what we have on the inside cannot taken away from us.
What kept Job going even when everything was falling apart was because he knew that his value is in God.
Is so important for us to know that our Lord wants the best for us.
The thought his has for us is of good and not evil to give us a beautiful future.
The Lord told us that he will give me. In our favour but it can only happen when we trust him.
We won’t lack anything on earth if we hold unto God with all our heart.
Servings the Lord in truth and in spirit is a must for us as children of God.