Pastor Alph Lukau’s Declaration Today 25th October, 2018

Pastor Alph Lukau’s Declaration Today 25th October, 2018

Pastor Alph Lukau's Declaration Today

Pastor Alph Lukau’s Declaration Today – The expectations of the wicked in your life shall NOT be met in the name of Jesus.

TONIGHT will be a PROPHETIC night. We will pray Prophetic Declarative Prayers that will change the course of your life in 2018.

Jesus Christ said speak to the mountain and it will move.

Prophetic Instruction: Prepare 7 Prayer Requests that you will present to God in prayer tonight.

Whatever you are trusting God for during He Alone Is God – so shall it be!

Bishop Marvin Sapp declared saying: “Cancel the funeral, I have decided to live (Acts 9:36-42)

God will never allow your enemies to see you in your weak state! God will repair you behind closed doors! He fixes your mess-ups behind closed doors!

The same people that said you will never make it are the same people that will see you survive!
The same people that said you will never be happy are the same people that will see you happy!

Who am I speaking to?”


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13 thoughts on “Pastor Alph Lukau’s Declaration Today 25th October, 2018”

  1. I received my financial breakthrough
    Be free from debts
    Have a new job
    Got married
    Get healed
    Get deliverance
    Grow spiritually and physically

    • I want to grow Spiritually & physically without any hindrances ! I should get delivered from the evil spirits which r creating all types of deseases, poverty & no unity with the husband !Husband is being misled through evil powers !


    • I want to grow spiritually in prophetic ministry and gain more divine wisdom and knowledge of God.
      I receive financial breakthrough.
      I receive my miracle house and car
      My family deliverance and healing
      New job for my son
      My daughter to continue with her studies.
      Breakthrough for both my son and daughter.

  2. Save me from the problem am facing right now
    Help me to concorer fear in my life
    Father help when am helpless
    Strength me when am weak
    Speak for me when I don’t know what to say
    Have Marcy on me and forgive me for all I’ve done

  3. 1. Financial permanent breakthrough. 2. Cancel the spirit of premature death in the family.
    3. My employment to be restored and all my enemies to be exposed.
    4. Divine protection upon my family,wife,children.
    5. Any company owing me money let it pay me and triple it.
    6.Total deliverance and God’s mercy upon every member of my family.
    7. Salvation in the family.

  4. Dear man of god Prophet Alph Lukau I never in my life saw no one like you. I am suffering with siblings problem through out my life . Finding you three months on YouTube I spread the word to so many people about Jesus power through you I am so peaceful I am so happy my life totally change the wrong although they’re trying their best to hurt me And my only child but you made me strong every thing they try to do to hurt me I see everything going right back to them I am coming to meet with you next year keep me safe and my child under your prayers pray for my job papa god blessed you .

  5. Please help my son he under siege, no one has been able to deliver him. I came to AMI, but not able to deliver us because some evil cloud covered me. I did not tell my son where I went, but , he told us that I went to South Africa, How did he find out?


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