Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts: I Know Better

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts shares this sermon, which is titled “I Know Better”. The text for the message is from the book of Luke 1:57-66; 1 Kings 17:25; Genesis 50:20; 1 Peter 2:9.

Pastor Sarah started out with the message of the creation and how God called forth things to be and they obeyed the voice of God. This was until he created Humanity and gave them instructions on which fruit to eat in the garden and which one they should not eat. God did his part and his instruction is to the effect that man’s obedience will ensure that everything continues to function fine. However, their disobedience to God’s instruction is the root of the problem we have in the world today.

According to pastor Sarah, the reason God did not want man to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is because God did not want us to know about something. She pointed out that the knowledge of Good and Evil wasn’t necessarily just the knowledge of good, but it is the reality that when you have the knowledge of Good and Evil, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two.

God’s original plan is for you not know about the betrayals, struggles, disappointments, abandonment, rejection etc.

This is a message that you will enjoy.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts “I Know Better” and remember we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Sarah Jakes Roberts YouTube

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