Pastor Sheryl Brady Sermon: It’s Time to Kill the Kings

Pastor Sheryl Brady shares this sermon titled “It’s Time to Kill the Kings” where she teaches that after an epic battle, King Joshua’s enemies were on the run, and their kings were hiding in a cave. Joshua gave instructions to his soldiers not to stop pursuing their enemies, but to place a stone in front of the cave where the five foes were cornered. Upon this order, the five kings were extracted from the cave, their necks were pinned and they were killed as an example of what God would do to the enemies of God’s people.

Herein, Pastor Brady challenges us to roll away the stone that is covering the enemy at the core of our internal conflict as many of us have dealt with the fruit of our issues, while the root remains hidden beneath the surface. This message is taken from the Scripture: Joshua 10:12-27 (NLT).

Watch and learn from this sermon and message by Pastor Sheryl Brady: “It’s Time to Kill the Kings” as we bring the latest sermons from Potters House to you.

Credit: Sheryl Brady YouTube

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