Pastor Steven Furtick Sermon – Fix Your Focus

Pastor Steven Furtick has delivered this sermon titled “Fix Your Focus” at Elevation Church and we are bringing it to you to listen to and meditate on. The senior pastor and founder of Elevation Church is known for his sermons and messages which has gone a long way to change many people around the earth.

Herein, Pastor Steven teaches that “When it comes to our relationships, our focus is usually in all of the wrong places.

Elaborating on his sermon “THE MOMENTUM OF A DECISION” his wife Holly Furtick took to Instagram to write:

“Luke 5

This weekend @StevenFurtick taught us from Luke 5 (when Jesus calls His disciples) and taught us how there is a difference between an event and a decision. Here’s a few highlights from my notes…

-Every decision has a parent called emotion. And every emotion begins with a thought.
-Offense is an event but offended is a decision.
-Receiving God’s grace is an event. Following Him is a decision.
-The deepest thing you’ll do in your life will start shallow.
-Delete something that is defeating you. Sometimes there is a simple solution to a deep problem. Jesus said push out a little.
-God can do a deep thing with a shallow start.
-Can you make a positive decision after a negative reaction?
-They broke the flow when they made a different decision.
-Drop it. Don’t judge yesterday’s decisions with today’s wisdom.
-Jesus chose Peter’s boat. And He knew Peter had some dumb decisions ahead.
-God’s purpose for your life doesn’t stop with your last decision. 2 Peter 1:21

What a sermon. I hope you’ll watch it and share it. It’s available on all Elevation channels now.”

Watch and learn from this sermon and message by Pastor Steven Furtick – Fix Your Focus – as we bring the latest sermons from pastors to you daily.

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