Prayer For Immigrants – God Make The Passage Smooth

Prayer For Immigrants – God Make The Passage Smooth

Prayer For Immigrants
Migrating from one place to another is not an easy task. With a prayer for immigrants, you need God’s guidance and intervention because relocation is not an easy task. You have to beg God to make were you are going to a better place for you. A place where you can do everything you want to do and achieve it and succeed in life.

As Moses once said, “Remember, you were once aliends in the land of Egypt.” Remember also that your grandfathers and grandmothers were immigrant, were exploited cheap labor, second-class citizens, uneducated and poor, used and abused, ignored or looked down upon for their foreign religion, speech, food.

Say one of the following prayer for immigrants below:

Prayer for Migrants

For all those who see “home” and all it means
Disappear behind them;
For all those who cannot see a home
In the days ahead of them;
For all those who dwell in
Daily insecurity;
For all those who are weary and
Without a safe place to rest their heads;
For all families in migration we pray.
May the image of the Holy Family
Fleeing oppression stay with us as we enter a New Year,
And stay with us each night as we are blessed
With returning to a home.
May we also be blessed
With compassion for those
Still weary, still seeking,
Still with so far to go.

by Jane Deren, 2007


A Prayer for Immigrants

God of the journey, God of the traveler,
We pray for those who leave their homes in search new beginnings and possibilities,
May they know your presence with them.
We pray that those who seek to make a home in this country
May find us welcoming and willing to help them find a path toward citizenship,
We pray that our legislators, as they craft new immigration legislation
May find the wisdom and courage to enact new policies that do justice for our country and for those who
would immigrate here.
We pray for those who fan the flames of fear and discrimination against the undocumented may be touched
with your divine compassion.
We pray in Jesus‟ name.

~ The Archdiocese of Chicago

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