Prophet Bushiri Word And Declaration For Today – Updated Daily

Prophet Bushiri Word And Declaration For Today – Updated Daily

prophet bushiri

Prophet Bushiri Says God has done it again!

“As I am speaking to you right now you may think you still have those problems you came here with but they are no more. God has solved every problem, He has removed every sickness, delays,stagnations and stumbling blocks!..”

Salvation is Personal, take that decision now!

“I speak with top authority that in this day Jesus will set you free and if there is any person who wants to give your life to Jesus come forth,all those who want Him as their personal Lord and Savior come forth and let me pray with you .!”

Thank you Jesus!

An elderly woman has been freed from paralysis. As her crutches are held up as a testimony, she cannot stop thanking Jesus as she is healed. The prophet moves in season, touching and healing, confiscating and discarding walking aids as Jehovah Rapha is taking over. This is a victorious hour for the church!

Connect to this grace where-ever you may be, allow the power of the Lord manifest in your car, in your house or office as you read these powerful testimonies of the Lord , the God of Major 1.

According to Prophet Bushiri,


On this second day of the three days of Revival here in Tanzania, God has indeed moved in a special way.

His power has manifested in this place; people have received Jesus as their personal savior. Divine healing has taken place; the lame can walk and the sick have been healed.”

I just want to remind you that, there is NOTHING in your past, powerful enough, to disqualify you from your future! Hold your head up high and keep moving forward!

Be free and have peace!

“Wherever you are let every chain be broken. Whatever you are passing through, be set free in the name of Jesus and have peace!”

The unction to heal…

The Fearless has launched an onslaught on pain and suffering by taking on the spirit of sickness and disease. The Prophet of God moves freely, touching the sick, laying his hand on the heads and shoulders of those who are in pain – he decrees healing to all the saints and there is joy everywhere!

Prophet Bushiri declares that the power of the Holy Ghost is here- the Lord is healing, He is manifesting as Jehovah Rapha. This anointing has no barriers, take your healing whichever part of the globe you are in – receive it!

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