Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Sunday Live Service March 14 2021

This is the Sunday live service by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri for March 14 2021 at Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) and it is a service filled with praise, worship and a wonderful sermon. The senior pastor and founder of Enlightened Christian Gathering who is married to Mary Bushiri has inspired and motivated many lives through his teachings and way of life.

Preaching on Instagram this Sunday morning, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri wrote:

“As I was reading my Bible this morning, I came across a very interesting scripture, which reads: “but Edom answered, ‘You cannot pass through our country, we will mark out and attack you with the sword!” – Numbers 20:14-21

The journey for the Israelites would have been easier and shorter had they gotten passage through Edom, but Edom refused and actually came out to attack them instead!

An Edom spirit is a hindrance spirit that prolongs your journey in life. Something that should otherwise take days will take weeks- and something that should take weeks will end up taking months or even years! This spirit blocks your access to higher levels. It makes something intended to be easy, unnecessarily hard just to multiply your sweat, frustrate you and cause you to give up prematurely.

These are the sure signs of a stagnation spirit. It does not only keep you in the same place for a long time, sometimes it allows you to move but in the wrong direction or a prolonged path.

Today as I will be delving deeper in this subject, I pray that, every spirit of stagnation that has been stopping you from moving ahead, the Lord shall break it in Jesus name!

Don’t miss the service for ANYTHING!”

Watch and learn from this ‘Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Sunday Live Service March 14 2021’ and do not forget to always check in for the latest sermons from pastors around the globe daily.

Credit – Prophet Shepherd Bushiri YouTube /

Today’s service starts from 14:00 CAT. Stay Tuned …

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1 thought on “Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Sunday Live Service March 14 2021”

  1. Please pray for me. Retiree in Florida USA HOMELESS after dumped by my lady as she lives with another man. Really miss just talking with her if only. She on Floridas west coast. i would love if she would even call or text. Need a wind fall t purchase a home. N


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