Sloane Simpson Sermons – Lessons from the Barber’s Chair

Sloane Simpson Sermons Lessons from the Barber’s Chair

The Hillsong Church brings us a new message by Pastor Brian Houston which is titled “Lessons from the Barber’s Chair”. Our lesson today s taken from Paul’s most hope filled letter, Phillipians 1:6. the scripture reads –  being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus..

What is the source of Paul’s Joy and courage? The source of his hope in his hellish condition? It is the confidence that whatever God has started, he will bring it to completion.

What is it about going to the hairdresser that makes us be at ease? It is about knowing that even though the process is long and awkward, that the end is always going to be a beautiful result. Life is the same way. If we think about the things we have walked through, they are awkward. Be encouraged today that those seasons will not be the end of you. Not only is it in your interest of the barber that the haircut comes out nice, but it is also in our best interest.

Here are a few tips about the barber’s chair; the first is that never judge the end from the beginning. In life, the start of things may feel a little bit awkward but the end will always turn out nice. Do not make  a decision of what God will do based on the beginning. Learn to persevere knowing that what he started, he will bring to conclusion.

The second lesson is that you must learn to trust the barber’s perspective. during haircuts we get a lot of spinning and that makes us dizzy. The answer is simple, there is need that he need to see the part that he is working on in your hair. God is like that. We may be feeling a lot of spinning but let us learn to trust his perspective. God knows what he is doing.

The third lesson is that maturity is measured by stillness. To the barber the most difficult clients are the kids because they find it difficult to stay still. That is how a lot of people are today. Maturity will always help us when the road become rocky. It is maturity that will help  us to stand still.

Another lesson is that the Plan is not on pause. Every now and then, the hairdresser is distracted by things but they will always come and start from where they stopped. There are situations that will make us think if God knows what he is doing. God has not forgotten you, he is always on the side with a much bigger plan.

Keep believeing God and allow him do the things he wants to do.

Watch and learn from this “Hillsong Church Sermon With Pastor Brian Houston Sermons titled “Lessons from the Barber’s Chair” as we bring the latest sermons from Pastors around the world to you daily.

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