Steven Furtick: Keep It Shut: A Practical Strategy For Spiritual Battles

Pastor Steven Furtick shares this sermon titled “Keep It Shut: A Practical Strategy For Spiritual Battles” where he asks us not to allow the enemy’s attacks in as it’s up to you to shut the door. This is an excerpt from his sermon “It’s Your Door.” He said that these thoughts of insecurity, these pangs of worry, these problems that go on in your head… They are not going to stop.

They will daily, sometimes in certain seasons, sometimes in your high moments, sometimes in your low moments try to torment you. What Steven Furtick is basically trying to say is the Enemy is going to attack you at all times. He said you know you are under attack because you’re breathing. You are above ground. We are not at your funeral.

The question is…What are you doing about the attack to make sure you don’t have to fight the Devil
hand to hand? It’s harder to fight him once you let him in your living room. It’s harder to fight him once you let him so close. He said the Devil is a grappler. What he wants is to get you by your throat. What he wants is to get you in isolation. What he wants is to get you saying, “Well, I just do church online now. I don’t go anymore. I stopped going in the pandemic.”

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Steven Furtick “Keep It Shut: A Practical Strategy For Spiritual Battles” as we bring the latest messages from Steven Furtick to you.

Video Credit: Steven Furtick YouTube

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