Terri Savelle Foy: How to Build Self-Discipline in 5 Words

We bring you today’s message from Pastor Terri Savelle Foy, which is titled “How to Build Self-Discipline in 5 Words.”

Pastor Terri teaches us in this message that if you want to know where your life is headed, listen to the words that are coming out of your mouth. God said you shall decree a thing, and it will be established for you. The five-word secret to success from John Assaraf is so encouraging.

If you can delay gratification, you are wired for success. Instant gratification is not always the best because good things take time. If you can train yourself to do what you should do when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not, your success is virtually guaranteed. As you journal your prayer time with God, God’s word says to seek first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness, and then all these things will be given to you. The habit of journaling during your prayer time will provide more direction and wisdom for your life than anything else. It’s just a matter of doing it and making it a priority every morning.

  1. Watch less television.
  2. Read more about this book: Make you and your growth a priority every day.
  3. Speaking positively over yourself: If you want to know where your life is headed, listen to the words that are coming out of your mouth right because God’s word says you shall decree a thing and it will be established for you.

Start small and give yourself one command like this: Could you drink one bottle of water every day for 90 days? Could you read one page from a good book every day for 90 days? Could you speak a positive declaration over yourself every day for 90 days? You can achieve anything you want; just believe in yourself and trust God, and you will see great changes in your life.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Terri Savelle Foy: How to Build Self-Discipline in 5 Words” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.
Video Credit: Terri Savelle Foy
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