This Ancient Demon Has Been Released – Sid Roth

Sid Roth shares this message titled “This Ancient Demon Has Been Released, But People Don’t See It” where he reveals the ancient demon that is been released over this world.

He spoke about the book of Esther and when the Jews celebrated many Christians alongside them … Purim. It starts Wednesday evening March 16th and then all day to Thursday the 17th and the Jews read the book of Esther at that time. Sid Roth said he has given a message on the book of Esther for years but this is going to be different than anyone because he is going to tie current events with the book of Esther and these current events are so current they happen actually.

The word Esther comes from the Hebrew which means ‘hidden and secret’ and there are a lot of hidden things in the book of Esther. He revealed that nowhere in the book of Esther is God’s name mentioned and everywhere in the book of Esther you see the handwriting on the wall. Esther took place in what is known today as modern-day Iran and in the book of Esther the devil did what he’s tried many times throughout history.

Watch and learn from this message by Sid Roth “This Ancient Demon Has Been Released, But People Don’t See It” as we bring the latest messages from seers all over the globe to you.

Credit: Sid Roth YouTube

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