Why Being Humble Opens Door For Everyone
Why Being Humble Opens Door For Everyone: In a world where everyone wants to feel powerful and in control, it is better to be humble.
Being humble has been mistaken for having low self-esteem, and that’s not true. Remember, as a child of God, humility is the cornerstone of our faith.
Is it so important for us as Christians to walk in humility as our Lord Jesus Christ did? Humility should guide us in life as children of God because our father resists the proud.
When we become humble, that will make people attracted to us, and we can learn. No matter how old or advanced we think of ourselves, there are always people better than us.
Having a meek personality does not mean that we should allow other people to walk on us. When we see ourselves in a higher position in the future, let us remember that we can learn from others below us.
Being a humble boss in the future does not mean that we shouldn’t give orders. Is about allowing other people to air their opinion so that we can evaluate them.
Most marriages in our world today end in divorce because ego is what we listen to. Apologies when you are wrong, and do your best not to repeat it with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Being humble opens doors in a cooperative world.
It doesn’t matter what school you attended at the university; just learn from people around you. The reason why most people don’t go far in life is that they allow their egos all the time.
Talking all the time is not always good because you may not hear good ideas from others. The word of God told us that the meek in heart will inherit the earth.
When we are working as a team in a cooperative office, it is so easy for us to not let others voice their mind. Jesus Christ, as a son of God, came to earth to understand why obeying God is hard for us.
After staying with us on earth, he discovered that we lack love for God and people around us. He taught us to love God and everyone we meet, even our enemies.
The law of Moses told us to hate our enemy, but Jesus Christ wants us to love them. Our Lord Jesus also knows that we can’t handle life alone, so he gifted us the Holy Spirit.
Just like Jesus Christ did when we became humble, that will help us to understand where the problem is coming from.
In our lives, when we are humble, that will help us to be honest with ourselves so that we can grow. Our ego can blind us from acknowledging our flaws so that we can become better.
At work you can get promoted because of your honesty because that will make people trust you. There is no benefit to being dishonest and lying all the time.
As children of God, we have to know that the world is watching us, so let our behavior bring glory to God. The easy way to excel in life is by being honest in everything that we do.