Terri Savelle Foy: 5 Steps To Creating Your Vision Board

Terri Savelle Foy shares this message titled “5 Steps To Creating Your Vision Board” where she reveals that number one indicator that your vision board will manifest

Talking about Vision Boards herein, she asked if you ever craved coffee so bad that you were willing to wait in a thirty minute line for an overpriced drink? She said that this is because when you desire something with great intensity, you will go after it.

Terri lets us know that the same thing happens in life and if you have an intense desire for something, eventually you will find it in your hands.

Watch and learn from this message by Terri Savelle Foy “5 Steps To Creating Your Vision Board” as we bring the latest messages from Terri to you.

Credit: Terri Savelle Foy YouTube

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