Are Christians Meant To Be Happy Forever?

Are Christians meant to be happy forever

Are Christians meant to be happy forever?

Are Christians meant to be happy forever? In the Bible, God promises to give us peace that passes all understandings. Our heavenly father knows that living here on earth comes with a lot of challenges.

The Lord wants us to be happy, no matter what we are going through. Is being happy all the time possible in our world today? The answer is yes, when we depend on God’s word.

God is not a man who will lie because he’s the creator of the universe. As humans, we can’t be happy all the time with our own strength because the enemy is working hard to steal our joy.

“The joy of the Lord is our strength.” So let’s get closer to God by reading his words and praying to him. There will be trials and tribulations in this world, but Jesus Christ promised us victory.

The thought he has for us is good and not evil, so that we can have a beautiful end. Everyone in the world today actually believes that it is impossible to be happy all the time.

Even in the midst of trouble, we should not lose our peace because we know that God is in control.

Our God Can Do the Impossible

Are Christians meant to be happy forever pt2

When you lose your job or someone that you love, don’t give up on God because only he can heal you. Most people ask, Why does God allow bad things to happen to his people? because we are living in a sinful world.

The only place where bad things will never happen is in heaven. Let’s do our best by trusting the Lord in the midst of our trouble.

No matter what you are going through, you deserve to be happy. When people look at you, let them see the glory of God shining.

We are to have peace of mind in the midst of trouble because we know God is in control. He’ll heal you in every area that you hurt, and he’ll fill you with his joy.

Our challenges or current condition should not determine our outlook on life. No bad thing will be permanent, for he who loves us will take control.

What the enemy meant for harm, God can turn around for our good. He who keeps us never sleeps or gets tired; our God is supernatural.

He holds the power of life and death in his palm, and every element on this earth bows before him. Don’t look at your problems; instead, look at God; he won’t leave you.

Our strength is limited.

Are Christians meant to be happy forever pt3

The reason it is impossible for some of us to be happy in times of trouble is because we don’t depend on God. Our strength is limited, but we are serving the Lord of limitless power.

He can control everything in our favor, and only he can heal our broken hearts. He’s aware of everything that we are going through, and he feels our pain.

God is a caring father, but many people are trying to paint him heartless. He told us in his words that his ways are different from his own.

We may not understand everything that is going on now, but we know that it’ll turn out great. Don’t lose your faith in the Lord, because that means you are doubting his power to save you.

Everyone finds it easy to mock Christians when we’re going through trials on social media and in real life. The world doesn’t know that our conditions are not going to last forever.

He will turn everything in our favor, and great things will happen to us soon enough.

  • Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
  • Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
  • Romans 15:13 “Now the God of hope fills you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”.
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