Are You Anxious? How To Overcome It

As humans, we have all been in situations where we felt anxious and fearful. As Christians, we have to know that God does not want us to live our whole lives in anxiety.

When our bodies are filled with anxiety, it can be difficult to relax. Our emotions can appear out of control, but there are tactics you can study, practice, and employ to offer you immediate, in-the-moment relief from worry, allowing you to remain calm in difficult situations.

Many people battle with overpowering feelings of anxiety, worry, and fear. They frequently discuss feeling trapped by their emotions. They simply can’t think about anything else, or they don’t know what to do to make them feel less overpowering.

These are just a few ideas for things people can do to aid with anxiety, and they should not be taken as a one-size-fits-all answer for everyone.

Ways to Deal with Anxiety

  • Accept Your Fear: Anxiety is normal and natural; accepting what is happening to us can sometimes help usher our anxiety on faster than if we battled it.

Furthermore, if you strive to prevent feeling anxious or stressed every time, you’ll always be afraid of anxiety creeping up on you, which can often lead to a more intense panic attack.

  • Know that there is a God who loves you. When we face hardships in life, our first thought is loneliness. We believe no one is on our side. Everyone is against us. It could be true. But even if everyone abandons us, there is a God who created us and will never abandon you.
  • Understand that feelings are not truth. Our feelings are frequently the product of our attempts to make sense of the behavior of others around us or the experiences we’ve had. Allow yourself some grace if you were very young when you suffered a horrific event. Know that you are allowed to let it go and be a better person because God wants you to heal from your past traumas.
  • Examine Your Emotions: When you express your feelings aloud, consider whether they are based on beliefs that make sense or are practical. What solid evidence do they have? Even if they are founded on true occurrences in your life, don’t conclude that your views are useful or true in all situations or for all individuals.
  • Read the Bible: When you have anxiety feelings, always remember to read the word of God. Whether you are a Christian or not, you may find it useful to Google all the Bible texts about worry, peace, and fearlessness. Don’t just copy and paste them; write them all down. Consider these words and know that they are God’s Word to you.
  • Lay Down Your Burdens: As Christians, Jesus has instructed us to depend on him and tell him about all that concerns us. As a Christian, instead of fighting or struggling with your fears, give them to Jesus moment by moment. Take the time to read Romans 5:1-6 and 1 Peter 1:1–7. Take advantage of this opportunity to push yourself to grow deeper in your beliefs.
  • Learn How to Relax: It can be hard for some people to relax when they are anxious, but we should  know that God will take care of all that concerns us. To manage upset, take a warm bath, listen to relaxing music, use lavender candles, exercise regularly, and engage in activities like walking, jogging, or aerobics. Engaging in activities can also help.
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