Are You Ready To Level Up In Life?

Are you ready to level up in life

Are you ready to level up in life?

Are you ready to level up in life? Every single person on this earth has the desire for a better life. No one wakes up to wish bad for themselves, only those who are mentally unstable.

Having the desire to level up doesn’t mean you are greedy, so it is fine to desire it. In order for us to level up in a godly way, we must put God first in everything.

Everything that we do here on earth, God is aware of, and he wants us to invite him. It doesn’t matter what area of your life you want to improve on; just invite God.

For the thought the Lord has for us is of good, not evil, is to give us a beautiful future. This journey called life is not planning on getting easy; it is up to us to make it tougher.

We are not meant to deal with life on our own strength; that’s why God gave us the Holy Spirit. When Jesus Christ was leaving, he knew that we couldn’t live life on our own, so he gave us the Holy Spirit.

As a child of God, it is our duty to listen to the spirit of God and obey his will.

Identify where you need to improve.

Are you ready to level up in life pt2

So if you want to level up, it is important that you identify where you need improvement. We are not perfect, but God instructs us to aim for perfection.

Leveling up is not going to be easy, but with determination, you can achieve it. Consistency is so important in this level-up journey of life.

  • Do you want to look better?
  • Are you living in debt? 
  • Is public speaking something you struggle with? 
  • Do you want to save our money?
  • Do you dream of opening a business? 
  • Are you scared of applying for that job? 
  • Do you want to get closer to God? 

So write down things you want to work on and then look for solutions. Read articles and watch videos that will help you in detail to get to your dream level.

When you find yourself falling back, don’t stay there; do your best to get your control back. Don’t limit yourself, no matter what your circumstances look like, because you are capable.

For you to have the idea of leveling up, that can be a message from God. Many people think that it is bad for a Christian to think that leveling up and being on the same level is not God’s plan for us either.

  • Gideon was average, but God saw him as a mighty man.
  • David was a teenager, but God saw him as a king. 
  • Esther saw herself as an ordinary person, but God saw her as a queen. 
  • The disciples of Jesus Christ saw themselves as average men, but Jesus saw them as fishers of men, and so on. 

The Bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, so we are special to God. God created us in his image and after his likeness.

The New You Will Cost You 

Are you ready to level up in life pt3

The moment we give our lives to Jesus Christ, it is time for the old us to die. Our old habits need to be replaced with new ones.

We have to know that habits can’t be broken; they can only be replaced. Examine yourself with all honesty and write down habits that you need to replace.

Habits are one of the main factors that determine our future. If you want to know what your future will look like, take a look at your daily habits and behaviors.

If you want the best, you have to behave like the best version of yourself.

  • Read your Bible. 
  • Get your exercise. 
  • Eat healthy meals. 
  • Read books 
  • Keep your belongings and your surroundings clean. 
  • Be nice to people. 
  • Dress your best all the time. 
  • Spend time with God every day. 
  • Go for check-ups at the hospital 
  • Take care of your skin. 
  • Get your rest. 
  • Open that business.
  • Learn those skills. 
  • Spend time with your loved ones (parents and siblings).
  • Plant those flowers or crops. 
  • Take that walk. 
  • Call that good friend of yours. 
  • Pass your exams 
  • Save some money. 
  • Cook that nice meal for yourself.
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