Beth Moore Challenges Believers On Christian Maturity

Beth Moore Challenges Believers On Christian Maturity

Beth Moore Challenges Believers On Christian Maturity

Beth Moore, a beloved Bible teacher and author, recently took to social media to share a deeply heartfelt message. In her candid post, she expressed her struggle with the current state of Christian maturity. She asked a question that challenges all believers: “Do we still actually believe in Christian maturity?”

Moore opened her post by admitting that the burden on her heart didn’t stem from anything on social media but from personal observations. She confessed that if she didn’t voice her concerns, she might say something she would later regret. What followed was a powerful reflection on the teaching of Philippians 2 and the example Jesus set for His followers.

“How in heaven’s name has the teaching of Philippians 2 and the example of Jesus to esteem others more highly than ourselves dropped through some hatch?” Moore asked. Her question highlights a growing concern about how easily the foundational principles of humility, selflessness, and love—central to the life of Jesus—can be overlooked in today’s culture.

Philippians 2 calls believers to follow Jesus’ example of humility and self-sacrifice, to consider others more important than ourselves. But as Moore pointed out, these principles seem to be fading, raising the question of whether we truly believe in the process of Christian growth and maturity.

In a moment of vulnerability, she acknowledged her own daily battle with selfishness and her deep need for Jesus. “I need Jesus in the worst way. I have to deal with selfishness every day. But we deal, right??” Her honest confession is a reminder that Christian maturity is an ongoing process, and it requires constant surrender to God.

Moore’s post challenges us all to reflect on our own lives and ask ourselves if we are still committed to the journey of growing in Christlikeness. As believers, are we esteeming others as Jesus did? Her message serves as both a reminder and a call to action, urging Christians to return to the example of Christ in our daily lives.

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