Billy Graham Devotional 10th February 2020 – God Made You

Billy Graham Devotional 10th February 2020

Theme  For Billy Graham Devotional 10th February 2020 – God Made You

Our fellowship is with the Father, and with
His Son Jesus Christ.
—1 John 1:3
God made you! You were fashioned in His own image! You were made in the image and likeness of the Creator. God had a purpose in making you. His primary purpose is that you would have fellowship with Him. If man does not have fellowship with God, he is lost, confused, and bewildered. Since he does not find his place, he has a sense of not fitting. There are thousands of people who admit and confess that they are unhappy. Economic security, recreation, pleasure, and a good community in which to live have not brought about the peace and happiness that they expected. The reason is that man was created in the image of God and cannot find complete rest, happiness, joy, and peace until he comes back to God.

Go Deeper: Read “5 Things Jesus Wants Women to Know”

Read about how to walk daily with God.

Prayer for the day

Help me this day, Father, to tell others of the fellowship that can be theirs. Your love will enable me.

Credit For Billy Graham Devotional 10th February 2020 – Billy Graham Ministries

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