Bishop Dale Bronner: Fight on

 Bishop Dale Bronner: Fight on: Here is a new message from Bishop Dale Bronner which is titled “Fight On”. The text for the message is from the book of 1 Timothy 6:12 “Fight the good fight of the faith, take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made good confession in the presence of many witness.

We’re fighting over things that we value and the world is fighting for your value. Whatever you value for your family the world is fighting to be able to change your values. They’re fighting to rob you of your faith.

That’s what Paul was was telling Timothy to keep fighting because there are things that have been entrusted to him.  Anytime you have something that are of value to you ,you have fight.

Nations are fighting over natural resources, over minerals, over precious metal, over gold and diamond, platinum, silver.

It’s one thing to fight to keep them than it takes to get them. It also takes much more to protect a business than it takes to build one. It’s takes more energy to protect what you  build.

When you build something of worth and value you’re got to fight keep them.

Nehemiah 4:14 “Then as i looked over the situation, i called together the nobles and the rest of the people and said to them “don’t be afraid of the enemy, remember the lord,who is great and glorious and fight for your brothers, your son, your daughter, your wives and your homes.

You have to see that this was an admonition for the people to fight because this real attack was on relationships that are in your family, God promised Abraham, everything am to do, i,m going to do through a family and that’s why you have to be a part of a family, the church is a family of families and we’re a family.

You have to notice he  didn’t say fight for your automobile, it did not say you should fight for your jewelry, your necklace, did not say fight for your stock and your bonds, he said fight for family, your brothers, sons, daughters, wives, fight for the RELATIONSHIPS.

Because if you have money but your relationships are jacked up you will be restless.

What difference does it make to be in a fine house, if you are troubled about the relationship in the home?

As you fight  “Don’t be afraid of the enemy whether is taxes, legal situations, bullies at school or work places, sickness, just remember the lord, Lord is greater than the problem. When the lord is for you who will be against you?

Fight on for your relationships and the lord will be your strength.

Watch and learn from this sermon and message by Bishop Dale Bronner: Fight on” and remember we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: WofFamily YouTube

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