Christian Preacher Speaks out After Arrest For Preaching Against Pride Event

Last week, the Unity Project of Watertown organized the city’s annual “Pride in the Park” event advertised as family-friendly. They encouraged families to attend, informing the media there would be a drag story hour and a children’s craft and play area.

At the time of the event, a group of Christians were evangelizing. Among them was Marcus Schroeder who was arrested as he was reading the Bible through a megaphone. In a video of the incident shared on Twitter, he was heard saying “Love thy neighbor as yourself” prior to his arrest. The police officers maintained at the time that he was being arrested for violating a sound ordinance about noise amplification.

In contrast, Schroeder said that all he “did was read from Scripture on the sidewalk,” reports Fox News. He argued that since it is important to maintain children’s innocence, drag queen events, especially those that feature sexual dancing, should never be attended by young people.

“I was reading a passage from the Bible about love, and I was arrested. No reason, not giving any warning, not told anything about my amplification needing to be turning down. I was arrested and taken into custody simply for reading the Bible on the sidewalk,” he said

“I completely understand the other side, I want to understand the other side. But drag queens twerking on kids… is unacceptable, and that’s something that we have to notice as a culture,” he continued.

“We can have our disagreements, but there comes a time when we have to understand that we are all going to stand before God one day, and we’re going to have to give an account for what we have done with the children in our society, the innocent minds and the children who deserve to be protected”

Schroeder criticized the Nazis who attended the event and said that adhering to the belief that everyone is made in the image of God is essential to staying on the right side of history and far from divisive ideas.

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