Cornerstone Church Sunday Live Service April 3 2022

This is the Sunday live service at Cornerstone Church for April 3 2022 with Pastor John Hagee and Pastor Matt Hagee and it is a service you will love to be part of. John Hagee who is the founder and senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church and a well known Bible Teacher has changed the lives of many people in and around the United States of America through his teachings and way of life.

Inviting everyone to this Sunday service, Cornerstone Church wrote on Instagram:

“Sunday Night Experience
Sunday, April 3 at 6:30pm, Sanctuary
We will put action to our faith and pray for those who are sick during this Prayer and Healing Service. The Bible says, “Is any sick among you? Let them call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up (James 5:14)…” We’re expecting it to be a powerful demonstration of God’s healing touch and we don’t want you to miss it. Visit for more information.”

Watch and learn from this “Cornerstone Church Sunday Live Service April 3 2022” as we bring the latest Sunday messages from Pastors across the globe to you.

Credit: Hagee Ministries YouTube

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