David Jeremiah Daily Devotional 4th February, 2019

David Jeremiah Daily Devotional 4th February

Theme For David Jeremiah Daily Devotional 4th February – Going With the Flow

The Lord is my shepherd. . . . He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
Psalm 23:1-2

Recommended Reading: Isaiah 40:11

In the Summer Olympic sport of kayaking, contestants mostly go with the current, navigating through gates. At times they are asked to reverse course, paddle against the whitewater current, go through the gate, then reverse direction back into the mainstream current. Going with the current is easier than going against the current.

The same is true in the Christian life. James 4:6 says that God gives grace to the humble but resists the proud. Humility is going with God’s “current” while pride is resisting His “current.” Think of God’s role as a shepherd of His sheep. One of a shepherd’s responsibilities is to lead his sheep. Following the shepherd is to go with the flow; going one’s own way is to risk danger. The Bible is filled with images of God as a shepherd who leads His sheep. Contented, peaceful sheep are those who follow God into places of rest and provision.

When life gets challenging, check to see if you are following God or not. Even if He leads us into a storm, as long as He is there we can be at rest (Mark 4:37-41).

It costs to follow Jesus Christ, but costs more not to.

Credit – David Jeremiah

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